Friday, April 10, 2009

The Story of "Sakura" - a collage.

With the help, of the great people at "Google Picasa", I have been able to create a collage of all the photos I have taken these past 4-weeks.
They will show you the transition, from the budding stage, to the beautiful white blossoms. ENJOY.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The "Cherry Blossom" season - a Japanese Phenomenon.

Well, this is what it's all about. For the past 4-weeks I have been obsessing about these fellows, the very beautiful Cherry Blossom and, what the Japanese get-up to, at this time of year. To me, Spring means LIFE, and that is what I LOVE about being in Japan, at this time of year - sharing it with the ones you love and your best friends & mates. I will be attaching a link to this album that will show you what it's all about.It's a video made-up of photos of "Cherry Blossom Viewing". For those of you viewing this outside of Japan, may I suggest that if you want to see the "real thing", start making plans to come here and, "see-it & experience-it for yourself.


The Story of "Sakura" - part 4.

Well, here we are. At the end. I would say that the trees are about 99.9% in bloom, and what a beautiful sight they make. Don't you agree?

For the past four weeks we have witnessed the buds, after months of being dormant, suddenly open and come to life. We have seen the blossoms change from their pink colours to the beautiful white.

In my last post a week ago, 1st April, I mentioned that there were hundreds of people here to celebrate the "Cherry Blossom" season. Today it will be in the thousands. Last Monday, 6th April, I joined a group of friends to mark the celebration ( photos in another post)and, on that day, there wasn't much space for people to lay-out their mats and enjoy the sight.

Next Sunday, 12th April, I will be returning, this time with my wife and family, and any friends who wish to join us.

In my next post I will be showing-off all my photos, taken during the "Cherry Blossom" season. As there will be many photos, I will be downloading them in video and slide form. The web-address will be posted for ease of viewing.

So, until then, kanpai and enjoy the 'season.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The story of "Sakura" - part 3.

Another week has passed, since "Sakura" - 2 was posted, and there has been some developments. With the warm weather, this past week, a lot of the buds have opened and are showing more of that Pink tinge I was telling you about. I would say, come this time next week, they will be in full bloom.

When I visited the site today, people were already out and celebrating. There would have been several hundred there picincing, barbecuing, taking photos or just strolling.There was even a group doing "Tai-chi". And, when something becomes popular, up go the tents selling food and beverages, check photo-1. One gets the feeling, come Sunday 12th April, this place will be packed. I hope to be here too.

Well did any of you get the answer to last weeks question? Here it is again; what does Yawata-shi and the Light bulb have in common? The answer; Thomas Edison. When Edison was looking for something, to place inside the filament, that didn't burn, someone recommended that he try the bamboo from Yawata, this was after he tried several other materials, including bamboo.

Next week I will give you a run-down on the formalities surrounding the opening of the "Cherry Blossom Viewing Season". So, until then, Sayonara.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The story of "Sakura" - part 2.

It has been a week, since my last post on this subject and, as you may notice, there isn't much change. Most of the buds have opened, with only a few flowering. You may notice a red tinge with some of the flowers that you can see.
I have chosen today, for my second post as, according to the "Japan Met' Office' website ( today is the forecasted date for the "Cherry Blossom Blooming" for this area ( more about that in a later post).
Let me now explain where I am and an interesting item concerning some history of this area.
In the first photo I am standing on the Yawata-ohashi (bridge) over the Uji-gawa (river). At this point three rivers converge, the Katsura-gawa, Kizu-gawa and Uji-gawa. They then join and become the Yoda-gawa which then makes it's way to Osaka-shi (city) before heading-out into the sea.In the first two photos you are looking down a peninsular that is about 1.7-kilometers long. On "The Day", when people come to celebrate "Cherry Blossom" season, there will be thousands here either taking a stroll down the avenue, amongst the trees, or having a picnic or a barbecue.It's a very impressive sight.
Now here is a question, of an interesting piece of history, concerning Yawata-shi and the Lightbulb. If you know the answer, let me know or read my next post. What does Yawata-shi and the Lightbulb have in common?
Oops, I nearly forgot to mention the third photo. If you look closely at the top-right, you may see one-or-two small blossoms. Still a wee way off from their full bloom, but getting there.
One advantage, for Hayfever sufferers like me, is that now the buds are beginning their blooming stage, the pollen count is lower and the sneezing has, almost, stopped.In the next week we should begin to see more of the red bloom.
Check-out the enclosed website. It's in English and Japanese. There is all sorts of information available, Tsunami warnings, Volcanic activity, Alion dust warnings (from the deserts of China), Earthquake information plus, the all important, Weather forecast.
So, until next time, T.T.F.N.,

Wednesday, March 18, 2009 the mean time I.......

Just while I am coming-up with another topic, I shall show-off some of my favourite photos. This segment is from my album titled "Temples,Shrines and Castles.

This first photo is of Fushimi Momayama Jo (Castle), in Kyoto Prefecture. It's not open to the public (Why ? ) but just stands alone amongst the metropolis of Kyoto City.

If you want to read-up on it's history, just log-into "Wikipedia".

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Jyuubu-san and Kontai-ji Temple.

Well this is the final installment of "What is it & Where am I?" All is about to be revealed.In Wazuka-cho (town) there is this Mountain, "Jyuubu-san" (682m) and, just below the summit, is a Temple, "Kontai-ji". The Temple was built about 1,300-years ago. ( For those of you that have "Google Earth" look-up these co-ordinances; 34。49'45.39"N and 135。54'33.67"E or just type Kontaiji Temple into your search)
At the Temple a walking-track has been made that, after a quite stroll through the forest, you descend and come-out at the waterfall, in the photo, before ascending via a couple of very large rocks. The view, from the top, is awesome.I have biked here about 6-times and, although it's a "gut-busting" climb, it is worth it. There are walking tracks spread all around. The area is part of the "Tokaido-trail". The view, on a clear day, from the summit, is just spectactular. Kyoto-fu, Biwako and Atago-yama spread-out in front of you. If you ever come to this area, I would be honoured to bring you here. Thank you for your time. Barry.
p.s. If you look just to my right, you will see the little object from the previous photos.

Monday, March 16, 2009

And the answer is......

This photo will give you a better idea where the character is, and it's size. But, in answer to my question, from my previous post, I don't know. If you do, why not let me know.

In my next post I will give you more detail as to where I am.

Friday, March 13, 2009

What's This?

Okay, here's your test for today. What is it and, if you can guess, where is it?

The answer in a later post.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


This posting is my opportunity for you to gain an insight into who/what I am. As mentioned, in my bio, I am an Outdoors person. I am also a Pacifist and have very strong beliefs in how we treat each other, and that includes what we are doing to this planet and all those that live on it.

What made me become this way? Well it goes back to 1990. Saddam Hussein had just invaded Kuwait. America had just got-in on the act, the "Gulf War" being the result. As the Iraqi forces were fleeing Kuwait they set-fire to as many oil-wells, that filled the skies with black-smoke, and turned-on the taps, allowing oil to flow into the sea. I remember seeing a satellite-photo of this and it horrified me. What was this crazy bastard thinking of? At about the same time I went mountain-climbing up Mt Arthur, 1900m high and, while I was sitting there, admiring the beautiful sight below me, I realised that this crazy man, and others like him, can destroy all this. So, from that moment on I came to appreciate this piece of rock, we call "Planet Earth", not to take it for granted and respect it more. Appreciate it? What we have here isn't here for our benefit. It is part of an amazing creation that has been here for millions of years. Taking it for granted? Well one day it/we won't be here. Respect? Well, when you are out "there", you have to take whatever she throws at you and don't try and change it or adapt it to your requirements.Whenever I am out "there", whether on foot (hiking), on my mountain-bike, or whatever the mode, I make the most of my time and take-in my surroundings. As you will see, as I post my blogs and photos, I love this planet. It has put-up with a lot from us, since we have been here. My pet-hates? Rubbish and those that dump-it or leave-it behind. I live by the proverb; Take only photographs, and leave only footprints.

I hope you understand where I am coming from, with this post. I have a lot of photos I am keen to share so, if you are interested in seeing them, leave your address and I shall send them to you.